Tuesday 30 October 2012

Best Movie Costumes Of All Time

It's that time of the year again, folks. As soon as mid-October hits, you can see the mad twitch in peoples eye before they dash up to stock on pumpkins and fun-size bags of sweets. On October 31st, it is totally all-right for middle aged men to hand out sweets to young children, but as soon as November 1st hits and the same man did just that, they would be done in for paedophilia. I'm sorry, was that too far?
When searching for inspiration for a Halloween inspired, I dug deep into the database into which I am most knowledgeable: movies!

Cady Heron - Mean Girls

We've all done this, or at least had nightmares about a situation like this, correct? Walking into a party only to find you're wearing the completely wrong thing. Terrifying.

In fact, all of The Plastics

'In the regular world, Halloween is when children dress up in costumes and beg for candy. In Girl World, Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it'
Yes, I may be 16 now, but I'm still not too old to quote Mean Girls. NEVER TOO OLD. You can't help loving these girls however god damn evil they are. Secretly, although you never wanted to admit this to anyone, regardless of whether they felt the same thing, I always wanted to be a Plastic. Just a little bit.

Bridget Jones - Bridget Jone's Diary

So I don't actually think this was a Halloween costume as such (I would need to check, and checking requires effort), but it was one hell of a costume. What a theme, though. Sluts and Vicars. Classic.

Elle Woods - Legally Blonde

I am a strong contender for the title of Elle Wood's number one fan. Slightly (well, very) jealous of Vivienne Kensington, as they become best friends. Should've been me, Viv. Should've been me.
At this point in the film, she's still trying to impress Warner Hunnington III (what a loser), and is yet to fully appreciate the sheer awesomeness that is Owen Wilson's brother (to be honest, I didn't appreciate how awesome he was until the credits rolled, and then I found out he was Owen Wilson's brother. Awesomeness suddenly appreciated.)
I feel the need to insert a relevant quote here. Because quoting Legally Blonde is almost a normal part of my life as quoting Mean Girls is.
'I like your outfit too, except when I dress up as a frigid b*tch, I try not to look so constipated.'

Romeo & Juliet - Romeo & Juliet

I love you so much, Baz Luhrmann, you don't even know it. Thank you for creating the masterpiece that is Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Dane's Romeo & Juliet. Forever grateful, seriously. Is there anything more iconic than the angel and the knight costume?
Seriously, I hope one day I get a boyfriend cool enough to dress up with me, recreating this. Of course, it would be preferable if my boyfriend was Leonardo DiCaprio. But right now I'm not fussy.

Halloween Costumes in The Office
So, not technically a movie. But a post mentioning costumes, Halloween or otherwise, would be incomplete without The Office.

Having to choose between nine seasons of Halloween costumes is a task no self-confessed Office addict wants to do, too hard. But I think that they just have to be appreciated... Last week the new Office Halloween episode aired, the last ever Halloween episode!
*Resisting the need to rant for aaaaaaaages about how much I love The Office, but maybe I'll save it for another day*

So, Happy Halloween guys. I know I'm going to have a blast, a whole evening at home attempting to watch a scary movie, with what seems like never-ending knocks on the door from annoying West London children begging for sweets.
But maybe I'll sneak some sweets from the tray. Crazy night.

L x

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