For the majority of you who don't know exactly what a hypochondriac is, Wikipedia (not always reliable though) defines it as excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness. It can actually be a very serious disorder, so I don't believe I truly have it, I don't think I have an "excessive preoccupation" about them, I just have a small obsession with various medical items. Without having a drug problem. I will attempt to explain what I mean in this blog, without you all feeling the need to get me some help.
Plasters (aka. Band-Aids)
These things are my life. I don't know what I'd do without them. I have a whole shelf in my bathroom dedicated to my plasters. Fabric plasters, waterproof plasters, blue plasters, breathable plasters, foreign plasters, big plasters, small plasters, Disney plasters... You name a type of plaster, it's most probably in there. I am currently wearing about five plasters. I put them on when I find the smallest cut, and I like to replace them regularly so I stay hygienic. In case you were wondering, fabric plasters are my favourite.
First Aid Kits
It's okay, I only have one of these, it's a very small one and it's stays in my room at all times. Inside, I have: bandages, gauze, plasters, safety pins, surgical tape, scissors, cotton wool, cotton buds and various other bits and bobs. There is also a pill box inside, but it has mints in it. Not only is my first aid kit handy and lifesaving, it is also practical because it is mini; it fits wonderfully inside my drawer. Also, I have scoped out where all of the first aid kits are situated in my school. Just in case.
Vitamin C
I don't know if you have ever tasted those effervescent vitamin C drinks that you make by putting a little tablet in a glass of water, if you have, you will probably have hated it. I love those drinks. I have at least 4 of these per week. I also take teen Vitamin C tablets and HealthSpan multivitamins. I'm pretty sure there are no actual drugs in these, although it would explain a lot if there were.
I'm not a general panicker, but I am huge panicker when it comes to illnesses. I will have the smallest tummy ache, and immediately think I have appendicitis, I cough once and I want to be checked for tonsillitis, I sneeze once and I definitely have the flu, you get the idea. It's like medical OCD.
They say that the first step to recovery is admittance, and I've already completed this step, so don't worry about me, I think I will get over my hypochondria and be fine soon enough.
You are probably thinking that I must never get sick, but this is not the case, I am always ill! Every bug that goes around, I catch it, I get an awful cold at least once per term. I'm very unfortunate like that. However, if every someone is sick, I am the best friend to have, because I carry various illness treatments in my school bag at all times. My friends are so lucky to have me.
M x
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