Thursday, 11 October 2012

BOOKS: Ratings and Hatings!

So if you didn't already think we were lethargic losers, we also read books.
We thought we would share some of our opinions of our favourite books, as well as the ones we weren't quite so keen on. Because, you know, our opinion is so highly valued in the world of literature.


Perfume - Patrick Suskind
So technically, I'm still currently reading this, but it's such a fabulous book that I had to write about it. I originally watched the film with my dad who insisted that it was an appropriate father daughter bonding film. Wrong. Yes, it's a little bit messed up and a little bit confusing. But that's part of its charm... Need I mention that the fabulous Ben Whishaw plays Grenouille?! Oh, and it also stars Alan Rickman and Dustin Hoffman. Are you still reading.... no, you've gone out to rent the movie. HALT! Read the book first.

The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
I hate to admit this, but the first time I read Gatsby, I wasn't enthralled. It was my GCSE English text and the several months pouring over the symbolism behind every single sentence was a little bit excessive for me. Sorry. But now I can appreciate what a genius Fitzgerald was!
Admit it, you want to be Daisy Buchanan, just a little bit. Just a tiny weeny weeeeeeny bit.

The Fault In Our Stars - John Green
If you don't know who John Green in, stop having a social life. You won't need it any more. One half of the fabulous VlogBrothers, he also writes books, all of which are incredible. Looking For Alaska is probably his most well known, but this is my ultimate favourite. In fact, it's currently competing for the (not-so) prestigious title of my favourite book.
I  just love it. I don't really have enough time to sit down and read for hours, but I read this book in one sitting. Unheard of. It made me laugh and it most certainly made me cry.
(Credits to my darling friend Emma for recommending it. I'm a changed person)

The Virgin Suicides - Jeffrey Eugenides
Once again, recommended by Emma. I guess she's a book fiend.
I don't know what to say about it. I really liked it, I liked all the characters and how the book was so different to other things I have read. The family unit was so weird and so fascinating. It was so creepy, so eery and so mysterious. Oh my god, Eugenides, you genius.


Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
I'm sorry, I'm probably committing one of the great crimes of literature, but I just didn't like it. Actually, I despised it. Tolstoy wasted three valuable weeks of my life and I want them back.
It was just faaaaaaaaar too long to make it even vaguely enjoyable. Someone should have sacked Tolstoy's editor because he clearly wasn't doing a very good job. Levin as the co-protagonist was so irrelevant and unnecessary.
(Oh, and I don't like Keira Knightley films. And what?)

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - Amy Chua
There had been so much coverage and controversy about this book that I knew I had to read it. For those living under a rock, read this. It's basically about how Chinese parenting techniques are better than the American approach.
But I didn't like the book. Probably because I am neither a mother nor American. Slight problem.
It was just like a really long newspaper article. But I guess the print was a little bigger and there was no style section to accompany it.

I hope I've managed to give you some book ideas. I may make this a monthly thing as I have too many books that I love (might stop doing the hatings bit, I actually like 99.7% of books I read. It's just you Anna Karenina).
I love these books, and hopefully you will too, if you don't love them already.

On a side note, I have an account with Goodreads, a book social networking site (LAAAAAME). But be my friend? I clearly don't have many. You can find me here.

L x

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