Saturday 21 December 2013

Thing That Make you Stop Following Someone on Twitter

I like to keep the number of accounts that I follow between about 143-147 at all times which means that whenever I follow someone, I also unfollow someone else. To choose whom to unfollow I look for certain points in their tweets/bio, here are some of them:

1) Too Many Tweets
I'm talking to you Joey Essex. It's not exactly like his life is riveting. We see all the good bits on TOWIE.
Seriously, there is no need to update us on every little thing you do, just the exciting things (which is only everything if you are one of the characters in Pretty Little Liars).
For these emotional anecdotes and more: @JoeyEssex_
Those bananas are gross.

2) Too Much Ranting
At the end of the day, most people use twitter to find out what the celebs have been up to; their eating habits, what they fed their dogs etc.
I appreciate that it is a good place to get your point of view out there but seriously, people who write those tweets all about respecting their family and how they would never disrespect their fans are not my faves. Especially when those tweets are so long that they have to write 3 tweets in order to convey their point. It's boring. If you really need to say those things, start a blog.
Also, we get you're angry, no need for all the CAPITALS and exclamation marks!!!!!
All this and more from @khloekardashian (and the other Kardashians)

3) Zero Humour
It is very important that one has a mildly funny Twitter bio. For example, your biography is not a good place to put links to your instagram account and it is in no way smart to write your BBM Pin here; at the same time, when I say funny I mean original and actually humorous  for example, a certain TV actress put "I play the main character in **** ** *****" in her bio (I starred out the show name just in case she reads our blog), I'm assuming she was trying to be funny but it's awkward because she is probably the 3rd main character so it could also be assumed that she is on way too high of a horse and thinks she's the actual main character. Also, those lame ones that say something like "140 characters is not enough" are not okay either. Something witty about your love of cats is always appreciated.
Make your tweets funny too, tweets that actually make me laugh out loud are the best. For a celebrity who gets the balance between humorous and sweet just right look to Jennette McCurdy (@JennetteMcCurdy). Her Vines are also comic genius.

4) Grammar Errors and Spelling Mistakes
It is no secret here that I am somewhat of a grammar freak, the "you and I"/"you and me" thing bothers me when people are talking so you can imagine the way that I pull at my hair when I see tweets including mistakes such as:
"I would of done this..."
"Wear are you going?"
"Your wearing a really nice dress today, Kim Kardashian"
The latter could also be an error of judgement because Kimmy K's clothing has been questionable since... forever.
Then there's the spelling mistake. So easy to do, yet such dire consequences.
Not sure what aspect of custard and sticky toffee pudding put pressure on my favourite tweeter Joey Essex but at least the custard was ready to serve. Also, bummer about only having two night horses, I guess he must have wanted three...
And poor Sarah Hyland, she was just a tiny bit tired, accidentally made a small grammatical/spelling error
and her "fans" immediately picked up on it.

5) Indirects
For those of you who don't know what indirects are, it is when someone tweets something that is so obviously about someone else. It is just about the most passive aggressive dig out there. You never tag the person that you're subliminally talking about in the tweet but somehow they find it, work out it's about them, and then reply indirectly leading to a full on indirect twitter war.
They are so so so so so annoying and unnecessary, if you have a problem with someone tell it to them anonymously on (just kidding, that's cyber-bullying. Please don't do that.)
Some stellar examples that I had too much fun finding

6) Excessive Vanity
This is more of an instagram thing but seriously people, you wouldn't post a selfie if you really thought it was #digsusting and that you are #sougly, would you?
Plus, attaching a really pouty selfie with a tweet that has nothing to do with your appearance is just weird and unnecessary.

I realise that this post might just look like one giant indirect message to various people that I follow on twitter but that is what this blog is for. Basically.
I hope that I am not the only one who dislikes the above things and I don't look like a massive twitter hater now because I'm really not.

M x

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