Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting
It was the news that shook the world this week and made us all just a little bit more grateful this festive season. 20 year old Adam Lanza got into the elementary school, although reports state different things. Some suggest that he was buzzed in, others that he forced his way in, and a more recent one suggests that he shot his way in. Once in, he proceeded to shoot 20 children, 12 girls and 8 boys and seven members of staff, all female, including his own mother Nancy Lanza.
One of the women shot was Victoria Soto, a hero, who shielded her students before taking the bullet herself.
In the immediate aftermath, our thoughts are with the families who will go without a child this Christmas and with the loved ones of the victims and witnesses alike. However, once some sense of 'normality' has returned, if that's possible, changes to America's gun-laws will no doubt be demanded.
Feeling compelled to help? Here are several ways you can:
- Sign this petition to demand a conversation about gun laws in the US. Even if you're not from the US, it's only a signiture and could save lives in the future
- Send your condolences to the loved ones of the victims
- Donate to one of the several relief funds to pay for funeral expenses, counselling for students etc. Here is one link of many
Suicide after 'Kate Hoax'

The nurse, who worked at King Edward VII hospital where Kate Middleton was being treated for morning sickness, apparently left three suicide notes. One detailed her funeral requests, one refers to the hoax call and the last critics the hospital and staff at King Edward's.
The two presenters are said to be 'gutted and heartbroken' over the death, and an Australian inquest has opened.
The body of Jacintha Saldanha arrived in Mangalore, India on Sunday 16th, where she will be laid to rest.
And on a lighter note...
Harry Styles and Taylor Swift got together!
Some are over the moon, some are already sending her death threats, and some are readily awaiting the release of her next album, filled to the brim with songs about their break up.
The 18 year old has supposedly 'fallen for her in a big way'. Yes, her. The 23 year old Taylor Swift. Yes, the Taylor Swift that gets around a little bit.
It was also the lady in questions birthday this week, and Harry treated her to 23 cupcakes and, err, a trip to his local Chinese restaurant in Holmes Chapel, Chesire.
Congrats, Harry. It's only a five year gap. We're so proud of you!
Gangnam Style Can Kill You!
If you're middle-aged and heading to a Christmas party this week, then be warned. Firstly, yes, Gangnam Style will definitely be on the questionable, tacky playlist and secondly, it may kill you.
46 year old Eamonn Kilbride from Lancashire started suffering chest pains after performing an energetic version of the Psy song, before dying at Royal Blackburn Hospital.
However, fear not. According to doctors, there isn't some part of K-pop that makes you more prone to death, but doing erratic physical exercise that you are not used to can be damaging.
Hey, even Psy himself claims to have developed blood clots from his horse-like dancing in Gangnam Style. Don't say I didn't warn you.
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