You may have read my last post about my Dream Team TV Family, and now I've chosen my next prey. Friends, you're next.
I'll be the first to admit that I am not the most popular girl to ever have been born onto this mighty large planet. But I have the greatest variety of friends. I have the posh ones, the ginger asian ones, the sensible ones, the crazy ones and the ones you watch a sad movie with, to name but a few.
But don't you ever wish you could steal TV characters and bribe them to be your friends? No? Just me? Ok then.
Jim & Pam Halpert - The Office
Two's company and three's a crowd, but I wish I was best friends with both of them. I don't think you understand my happiness when these two got together. And, as Lonely Island once said 'it's ok when it's in a three-way' (I don't encourage that. In a totally platonic way, of course). Plus, I could add my absolutely wicked prank ideas.
And, I mean, it's got nothing at all to do with the fact that Jim Halpert is my ultimate geeky TV crush. I regret nothing.
Blair Waldorf - Gossip Girl

Some (a couple) of people have asked me why I wanted Blair as my friend. They question me, judge me and then roll their eyes. Even my mum, whom I persuaded to watch one episode, said that she was bad news.
GUYS! When you see behind all the malicious behaviour, and queen bee tendencies, you've got a wonderful person beneath. Her taste in hairbands is impeccable, she can get any guy she wants (ok, so Gossip Girl became pretty incestual in Season 2, let's move past that) and she gives me literal hair envy.
Plus she throws wicked sleepovers and has a maid called Dorota. Need I say more?
Barney - How I Met Your Mother
You've got to love someone in a suit. That is all.
Suited and booted.
Just watching NPH in action will make you want to watch How I Met Your Mother (it's HIMYM to all acronym freaks, obvie)
I need say nothing more than Guy Love:
The Chuckle Brothers - Chucklevision
No Chucklevision = No Childhood. Sunday mornings meant Chucklevision catch up time (I was actually unable to watch mid week telly because of the hoards of work. Private School Problems)
And now, at the ripe old age of 16, I can probably understand why people were so reluctant to me watching Chucklevision. Let's be honest, and I don't want to be arresting for accusing anyone of anything, but they look like paedophiles. Or perverts at the least. Maybe it's the moustache.... I love moustaches but, hey, it just looks creepy on 89.76% of people
But RLF (Real Life Friends, you may be able to tell by now that I'm an acronym freak), you need not fear. I won't be making bezzie mates with any paedophiles/queen bees/couples any time soon. Too much effort required for said action, and I guess I'm fine with the friends I've got. Especially when they offer me a home delivery Starbucks service (that's you Mindy. Skinny Vanilla Latte on a good day, Hot Chocolate on a bad day)
Now I know I should go on about how much I love my friends and how I wish they'd never leave me, but that would just make them conceited.
(But seriously guys, you rock)
L x
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